
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Open Closed Principle with real world example in C#

In object-oriented programming (OOPS), the open closed principle states that software entities (classes, modules, functions, etc.) should be open for extension, but closed for modification

A class should be closed for modifications but their functions or methods can be altered for further open extension

The design should be done in a way to allow the adding of new functionality as new classes, keeping as much as possible existing code unchanged

Now lets see simple real time scenario of Open Closed Principle Violation or Bad Code

Lets consider a simple windows form application of Customer Sales Entity with customer Status as declared with enumeration (Enum)

Enum = Enum stores the constant values.Enums are strongly typed constants.

Customer Name , Customer Code , Product Quantity , Product Rate and with a simple method Calculate Discount
We have Customer Type like Silver, Gold customer which is declared in enum .

For each different customer type we had different discount facility over total amount

Now as you can see we just coded CustomerSalesEntity with set get properties and with Calculate Discount Implementation

class ClsCustomerSalesEnity {
public enum CustomerStatus{
private string _customername;
private int _customercode;
private int _productquantity;
private double _productrate;
private CustomerStatus _customertype;
public string CustomerName
set { _customername = value; }
get { return _customername; }
public int CustomerCode
set { _customercode = value; }
get { return _customercode; }
public CustomerStatus CustomerType
set { _customertype = value; }
get { return _customertype; }
public int ProductQuantity
set { _productquantity = value; }
get { return _productquantity; }
public double ProductRate
set { _productrate = value; }
get { return _productrate; }
public double CalculateDiscountRate()
double rate = ProductQuantity * ProductRate;
double discountamount = 0;
double disrate = 0;
if (CustomerType == CustomerStatus.Silver)
disrate = 5;
discountamount = (disrate / 100) * rate;
rate = rate - discountamount;
if (CustomerType == CustomerStatus.Gold)
disrate = 20;
discountamount = (disrate / 100) * rate;
rate = rate - discountamount;
return rate;

As per code when you at the CalculateDiscountRate() method there we distinguish customer type (Silver,Gold) discount rate with if condition

public enum CustomerStatus
If (CustomerType == CustomerStatus.Silver {
disrate = 5;
discountamount = (disrate / 100) * rate;
rate = rate - discountamount;
if (CustomerType == CustomerStatus.Gold)
disrate = 20;
discountamount = (disrate / 100) * rate;
rate = rate - discountamount;

This code looks perfect we create dll and ship this application as per our client requirement

Then you must me thinking what the problem was?

The problem is that consider that our Client wants add new category or new customer type (Customer Bronze) then we might need to modify existing class and where ever we use this class everywhere we to need to modifications simply means just to modify a full application then deploy again. Again and again for any Clients changes we need to modify existing code / class

The Code was not designed properly here where OCP violates

Just Testing Purpose

On Windows form.cs on button click just add this code
ClsCustomerSalesEnity objCustomerEntity = new ClsCustomerSalesEnity();
objCustomerEntity.CustomerCode = Convert.ToInt16(textBox1.Text);
objCustomerEntity.CustomerName = textBox2.Text;
objCustomerEntity.CustomerType = (ClsCustomerSalesEnity.CustomerStatus)Enum.Parse(typeof(ClsCustomerSalesEnity.CustomerStatus), textBox3.Text, true);
objCustomerEntity.ProductQuantity = Convert.ToInt16(textBox4.Text);
objCustomerEntity.ProductRate = Convert.ToDouble(textBox5.Text);
label7.Text = Convert.ToString(objCustomerEntity.CalculateDiscountRate());

Now let’s see solutions for above Code
Now we need to make our CutomerSalesEntity flexible so that It  cannot be modified further but can open for an extension

Step 1
We give abstract keyword to our CutomerSalesEntity class

Step 2
Method or property which we think or designed in that way to be altered in future or can be flexible for extension  (Need to be keep abstract or virtual )

Here I will give abstract keyword to method CalculateDiscountRate()

Now lets see the following code
public abstract class ClsCustomerSalesEnity
private string _customername;
private int _customercode;
private int _productquantity;
private double _productrate;
public string CustomerName
set { _customername = value; }
get { return _customername; }
public int CustomerCode
set { _customercode = value; }
get { return _customercode; }
public int ProductQuantity
set { _productquantity = value; }
get { return _productquantity; }
public double ProductRate
set { _productrate = value; }
get { return _productrate; }
public abstract double CalculateDiscountRate();

This is our Fix CustomerSalesEntity class which in further now going to be modified but yes will be open for extension

Now assume that we want to add new customer Type (say gold customer)

For that we will be creating new class clsGoldCustomerSalesEntity and inheriting from


public class clsGoldCustomerSalesEntity : ClsCustomerSalesEnity
public override double CalculateDiscountRate()
double rate = ProductQuantity * ProductRate;
double discountamount = 0;
double disrate = 20;
discountamount = (disrate / 100) * rate;
rate = rate - discountamount;
return rate;

Again if want to add new customer we will be doing same procedure

public class clsSilverSalesEntity : ClsAbstractCustomerSalesEnity
public override double CalculateDiscountRate()
double rate = ProductQuantity * ProductRate;
double discountamount = 0;
double disrate = 5;
discountamount = (disrate / 100) * rate;
rate = rate - discountamount;
return rate;

So as you can see that Our CustomerSalesEntity class is open for extension but closed for modification
Here OCP rules fulfills solution

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