
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Likov's Substitution Principle with example in C#


Likov's Substitution Principle states that if for each object m1 of type S there is an object m2 of type T such that for all programs P defined in terms of T, the behavior of P is unchanged when m1 is substituted for m2 then S is a subtype of T.

Now let’s see the simple example of LSP Violation of code
In this example we have one common interface “ICustomer” which is inherits to two classes i.e.
ClsPaidCustomerSalesEnity, ClsFreeCustomerSalesEnity . two different classes which set and get properties and do calculation and print invoice as per customer status
For ClsPaidCustomerSalesEnity we have calculated special discount and printed the Invoice with customer name and amount
For  ClsFreeCustomerSalesEnity we have 0 discount and in PrintInvoice we return something
throw new NotImplementedException();
Means nothing was implemented in this method
//Interface Code
public interface ICustomer
  string CustomerName { set; get; }
  int CustomerCode { set; get; }
  int ProductQuantity { set; get; }
  double ProductRate { set; get; }
  double CalculateDiscountRate();
  string PrintInvoice(double _amount);

//Paid Customer Code
  public class ClsPaidCustomerSalesEnity : ICustomer
        private string _customername;
        private int _customercode;
        private int _productquantity;
        private double _productrate;
        public string CustomerName
            set { _customername = value; }
            get { return _customername; }
        public int CustomerCode
            set { _customercode = value; }
            get { return _customercode; }
        public int ProductQuantity
            set { _productquantity = value; }
            get { return _productquantity; }
        public double ProductRate
            set { _productrate = value; }
            get { return _productrate; }
        public  double CalculateDiscountRate()
            double rate = ProductQuantity * ProductRate;
            double discountamount = 0;
            double disrate = 20;
            discountamount = (disrate / 100) * rate;
            rate = rate - discountamount;
            return rate;
        public string PrintInvoice(double _amount)
            return "Product Invoice For Customer " + CustomerName + " with Total Amount " + _amount;

//Free Customer Code
public class ClsFreeCustomerSalesEnity : ICustomer
        private string _customername;
        private int _customercode;
        private int _productquantity;
        private double _productrate;
        public string CustomerName
            set { _customername = value; }
            get { return _customername; }
        public int CustomerCode
            set { _customercode = value; }
            get { return _customercode; }
        public int ProductQuantity
            set { _productquantity = value; }
            get { return _productquantity; }
        public double ProductRate
            set { _productrate = value; }
            get { return _productrate; }
        public double CalculateDiscountRate()
            return 0;
        public string PrintInvoice(double _amount)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

Both code is almost similar but only difference in implementation and inherits with common interface
Now let’s come to our window form application code
  ICustomer objIcust;
          List listcust = new List();
            objIcust = new ClsPaidCustomerSalesEnity();
            objIcust.CustomerName = "Paid Customer";
            objIcust.CustomerCode = 001;
            objIcust.ProductQuantity = 5;
            objIcust.ProductRate = 20;

            objIcust = new ClsFreeCustomerSalesEnity();
            objIcust.CustomerName = "Free Customer";
            objIcust.CustomerCode = 002;
            objIcust.ProductQuantity = 5;
            objIcust.ProductRate = 20;
            string printinvoice = "";

            foreach (ICustomer iCust in listcust)
                double amount = iCust.CalculateDiscountRate();
                printinvoice = iCust.PrintInvoice(amount);
                listBox1.Items.Add("Invoice Report --> " + printinvoice);              

Problem with this code  when loop our Icustomer  collections it will work fine with
ClsPaidCustomerSalesEnity calculates Discount Rate and and print invoice properly
But when it loads ClsFreeCustomerSalesEnity  CalculateDiscountRate returns 0 and for PrintInvoice it throws new NotImplemented Exception which is totally wrong and on UI we don’t need any exception error  and writing Hacks and like if conditions is not proper way of design architecture
This is the problem with code
As it says it Free Customer code like paid customer code but unlike paid customer code there is not implementation of DiscountRate and Print Invoice method
So now let’s see the solution for above code using Likov's Substitution Principle

A simple solutions but Customer Type i.e. paid customer class and free customer are not same difference in discount rate and print invoice implementation
If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, but needs batteries - wrong abstraction

So we need to create different interface for paid customer and for free customer
   public interface IFreeCustomer
        string CustomerName { set; get; }
        int CustomerCode { set; get; }
        int ProductQuantity { set; get; }
        double ProductRate { set; get; }

//use this for paid customer for printing invoice
    public interface IPaidPrintCustomer
        string CustomerName { set; get; }
        int CustomerCode { set; get; }
        int ProductQuantity { set; get; }
        double ProductRate { set; get; }
        double CalculateDiscountRate();
        string PrintInvoice(double _amount);

public class ClsPaidCustomerSalesEnity : IPaidPrintCustomer
//do the implementation as same as we did for customer

  public class ClsFreeCustomerSalesEnity : IFreeCustomer
//do the implementation as same as we did for customer

Then create separate objects and call it in UI
So Problem is solved successfully

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